

Aug 01, 2023

Nikola's Battery Investigation: 5 Key Takeaways

Nikola Corporation, a pioneering force in zero-emissions transportation, unveils the preliminary results of its battery pack investigations.

In a recent development, Nikola Corporation, a pioneering force in zero-emissions transportation, has unveiled the preliminary results of its battery pack investigations. Stemming from a thermal event reported earlier this year, the company has taken a proactive step by announcing a voluntary recall of approximately 209 Class 8 Tre battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). For the latest developments and insights on Electric Trucks within the transportation industry, check out this page.

On June 23, 2023, a truck fire incident occurred at Nikola’s Phoenix headquarters. Preliminary findings, presented on August 10 by Exponent, a renowned third-party investigator, pinpointed a coolant leak inside a single battery pack as the probable cause. This theory gained further traction when a minor thermal incident affected a pack on an engineering validation truck at Nikola’s Coolidge, Arizona plant on the same day. Thankfully, no injuries were reported in either event.

A coolant leak inside a single battery pack was pinpointed as the probable cause of the truck fire incident.

Nikola’s in-house safety and engineering teams have identified a component from a single supplier within the battery pack as the likely source of the coolant leak. Remedial actions are in the pipeline, with field solutions expected to roll out in the upcoming weeks.

While the Tre BEV trucks can continue operations, Nikola advises its customers and dealers to:

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Nikola’s in-house teams have identified a component from a single supplier as the likely source of the leak.

Out of the 3,100 battery packs on trucks produced to date, only two have experienced a thermal event, translating to less than 0.07%. For a comprehensive look at other Recalls, their causes, and solutions, follow this link.

“At Nikola, we prioritize safety above all. Our promise is transparency, and we will keep our stakeholders informed as we learn more.”

– Nikola’s CEO, Steve Girsky

Initial speculations on June 23 hinted at potential foul play as the cause of the incident. However, exhaustive internal reviews and third-party hypothesis testing have since indicated that external factors or foul play were unlikely culprits.

Out of the 3,100 battery packs on trucks produced to date, only two have experienced a thermal event.

Before launching the Tre BEV, Nikola invested considerable time in ensuring the truck’s safety. The vehicle not only meets but exceeds FMVSS and UN GTR 20 government regulations. Comprehensive tests were conducted, including crash testing, battery safety evaluations, and rigorous battery system safety checks.

Established in 2015 and headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, Nikola Corporation is at the forefront of transforming the global transportation landscape. Specializing in zero-emission battery-electric and hydrogen-electric vehicles, Nikola, through its HYLA brand, is on a mission to redefine the economic and environmental impact of commerce. For more in-depth insights, visit

Recent reports from various news outlets have shed light on the market’s reaction to Nikola’s announcement:

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