

Apr 11, 2024

110 Family Feud Questions & Answers For Game Night

"Are you ready to play the Feud?"

BuzzFeed Contributor

Two teams compete to guess the most popular answers to specific survey questions. Each answer is worth a certain amount of points, depending on how many of the 100 people surveyed gave that response. Each question has four to eight top responses, and the first team to reach 300 points wins.

Reminder: This is NOT a quiz. It's a set of questions and answers to use for planning or hosting your next game night. Enjoy this Family Feud quiz if that's what you're looking for!

Twilight (33)

Blood/Bloodsucker (29)

Garlic (9)

Bat (7)

Cape (7)

Dracula (5)

Fangs (4)

Halloween (4)

Honey/Buns (32)

His Oven (9)

Sweet/Sweetie (9)

Cupcake (8)

Muffin (7)

Sugar (5)

Donut (5)

Doughy (4)

Suit/Tux (35)

Dress (26)

Jewelry (10)

Dress Shoes (6)

Shotgun (4)

Car/Truck (28)

Baseball Equipment/Jerseys (26)

Baseball Games/Tickets (25)

Restaurants (9)

Medication (6)

Beer (4)

The Cat (23)

Leash/Collar (17)

Food/Bowl (16)

His Bone (9)

Clothes/Shoe (6)

Bed/Pillow (6)

Favorite Toy (4)

Wallet/Money (4)

Wedding (26)

Easter (23)

Halloween (20)

Church (15)

Christmas (4)

School Picture Day (4)

No car (46)

Exercise (23)

Save gas (20)

Environment (7)

Snot (48)

Milk (32)

Water (5)

Soda (4)

Breath (3)

Micromanager (29)

Incompetent (24)

Angry (20)

Irresponsible (14)

Oblivious (13)

Steak (48)

Chicken (14)

Bread (13)

Hamburger (13)

Cheese (8)

An Old Car (31)

A Rattle/Toy (29)

A Rattlesnake (15)

Music/Singers (8)

Dancing Bod/Booty (4)

Dice (4)

Water/Toilet (37)

Engine/Car (24)

Refrigerator (10)

Nose (8)

Pantyhose (8)

Clock (3)

Selection (32)

Erection (23)

Perfection (6)

Detection (6)

Protection (5)

Rejection (4)

Collection (4)

Section (4)

Money (37)

Health/A New Heart (17)

A Brain (7)

Hot Bod (5)

Peace on Earth (4)

Love (4)

Happiness (4)

Magic Power/To Fly (4)

Coca Cola (39)

Diet Coke (29)

Pepsi (14)

Dr. Pepper (11)

Mountain Dew (7)

Laundry (27)

Grocery shop (25)

Exercise (21)

Go to church (15)

Mow the yard (12)

Money/Coins (19)Food/Water (18)First Aid Kit (18)Spare Tire (15)Map (7)Jumper Cables (7)Spare Clothes/Shoes (5)Gas Can (2)Flare (2)

Butt/Buttocks (54)

Arse (18)

Backside (6)

Derriere (4)

Bottom (3)

Heine (3)

Fly a Kite (89)

Sail (7)

Surf (2)

Air Dry Clothes (2)

Hot Date (30)Job Interview (16)Casino/Gambling (11)Sporting Event (9)Wedding/Night (7)Anniversary (5)Valentine’s Day (4)Exam/Finals (4)

Ice cream (40)

Lollipop (25)

Stamp (16)

Popsicle (11)

Envelope (8)

Brush teeth (26)

Brush hair (23)

Pop a pimple/zit (19)

Check your outfit (17)

Practice dance moves (15)

Tree (36)

Love (25)

Bed (21)

Chair (12)

Car (6)

Graduation (32)

Wedding (26)

Holiday Party (20)

Bar Mitzvah (14)

Bachelor/Bachelorette (8)

Soup (28)

Cheese (24)

Peanut Butter (21)

Chili (16)

Sliced meats (11)

Invest (28)

Save money (24)

Buy bitcoin (20)

Gamble (15)

Get a job (13)

Read a book (26)

Play on your phone (23)

Play a board game (20)

Play a videogame (17)

Meditate (14)

Fire (26)

Coffee (24)

Tea (21)

Stove (16)

Fireplace (13)

New car (30)

Clothes (25)

Gift card (20)

Money (14)

Jewelry (11)

Selfie (31)

Vacation pictures (24)

Pictures of friends (19)

Your meal (15)

Your coffee (11)

Elephant (85)

Eagle (7)

Eel (3)

Emu (3)

Weenie (71)

Beanie (15)

Meanie (12)

Genie (2)

Tire (48)

Balloon (13)

Ball (10)

Muscles (8)

Throw up (74)

Show up (16)

Blow up (8)

Slow up (2)

Cold/flu (58)

Fish (26)

Bus (11)

Frisbee (3)

Computer/games (41)

Candy/junk food (29)

Television (20)

Music (5)

Doo-doo (53)

Trouble (22)

Water (21)

Sleep (4)

Roller coaster (56)

Boat/ship (13)

Car (10)

Ferris wheel (9)

Thank-you (74)

Nickel/dime (10)

Ring/diamond (9)

Kiss (4)

Milk (68)

Cheese (19)

Steak/hamburger (8)

Butter (4)

Water/faucet (92)

A nose (4)

A candle (2)

Coffee (2)

Bed (71)

Trampoline (20)

Couch (5)

Pile of leaves (3)

Zoo (40)

Zip (18)

Zap (15)

Zen (13)

Zit (13)

Play games (29)

Leave/walk out (28)

Eat lots of pizza (15)

Dump him (15)

Laugh (12)

Dance (45)

Socialize/talk (21)

Drink (18)

Eat (8)

Sing/karaoke (6)

Drink (88)

Dessert/meal (3)

Address (2)

Chimney (2)

Roof (2)

Happy (56)

Dopey (25)

Sleepy (10)

Bashful (5)

Grumpy (3)

Phone (26)

Door (14)

Mayo (10)

Elevator (9)

Line (6)

Daisies (39)

Carnations (38)

None/invisible (9)

Tulips (6)

Dandelions (3)

Plastic/fake (3)

Tornado (19)

Stormy/storm (18)

Thunder/thunderstorm (16)

Hurricane (12)

Tsunami (6)

Bill (63)

Pill (22)

Kill (10)

Chill (3)

Ill (2)

Candles (39)

Bubbles (34)

Rose petals (9)

Another person (7)

Music (3)

Alcohol (3)

Bath oil (3)

Jail/prison (36)

Hell (10)

Work/meetings (10)

Cemetery (8)

Church (8)

Bathroom (59)

Kitchen (18)

Carpet/floor (11)

Living room (3)

Myself (3)

Godzilla (43)

Frankenstein (26)

King Kong (13)

Wolfman/werewolf (10)

Freddy Krueger (5)

Jason (2)

Paper clip (53)

Paper/envelope (12)

Pen/pencil (9)

Staple (9)

Letter opener (8)

Tack/pin (6)

Iron Man (25)

Superman (24)

Minuteman (14)

Macho Man (11)

Batman (11)

Spider-Man (2)

A street/road (47)

A job (28)

A relationship (14)

An argument (5)

A lead/info (2)

Hair (2)

Flour (70)

Baked goods/crumbs (10)

Sugar (10)

Icing/frosting (5)

Dough (2)

Yeast (2)

Batmobile (81)

Batcave (9)

Batcopter (2)

Batcycle (2)

Batplane (2)

School/college (56)

Church (26)

Family function (9)

Dentist/doctor (4)

Grocery store (2)

Work (2)

Shop (46)

Yak/gossip (31)

Dine out (6)

Drink cocktails (5)

Laugh (4)

Make out (3)

Scrambled (53)

Hard-boiled (13)

Over easy (12)

Fried (11)

Sunny-side up (7)

Eggs Benedict (2)

Giraffe (78)

Ostrich (10)

Bottle/beer bottle (4)

Crane (3)

Swan (3)

A glass (2)

Airplane (44)

Motorcycle (21)

Roller coaster (16)

Boat (4)

Horse (4)

Elevator (3)

Tongue-tied (33)

Tongue-in-cheek (23)

Tongue twister (10)

Tongue lashing (8)

Tongue depressor (7)

Tongue kiss (4)

Superman (47)

Super Bowl (9)

Supermarket (9)

Super blue (6)

Superintendent (6)

Supersize (5)

Superstar (5)

Orange (38)

Lemon (35)

Apple (7)

Banana (3)

Pineapple (7)

Strawberry (2)

Lime (2)

Beer (35)

Soda (36)

Donuts (3)

Eggs (9)

Hot dogs (4)

Gum (3)

Toilet tissue (3)

LA/Beverly Hills (48)

New York (21)

Miami (9)

Las Vegas (8)

Palm Beach (4)

Philadelphia (4)

San Francisco (4)

Lady Gaga (27)

Lady Luck (24)

Lady Godiva (18)

Lady parts (3)

Lady-killer (4)

Ladybug (13)

Beefy (11)

Juicy (10)

Lean (24)

Prime (7)

Rare (6)

Tender (19)

Well-done (5)

Elephants (29)

Cows (22)

Pigs (21)

Horses (12)

Dogs (7)

Humans (3)

Rats (2)

Bed/bedroom (46)

Shower/bathroom (27)

Movie/theater (9)

A friend's (3)

My car (4)

The woods (2)

In a closet (2)

Lice/bugs (45)

Dandruff (13)

Dirt (13)

Oil/grease (9)

Gel (6)

Extensions (3)

Food (2)

Newspapers (33)

Mail (28)

Pizza (20)

Flowers (6)

Packages (3)

Furniture (2)

Babies (2)

Monkey/ape (32)

Dog (21)

Cat (16)

Bird (14)

Elephant (4)

Kangaroo (4)

Rabbit (4)

The weapon (58)

The body (27)

Blood (6)

Fingerprints (5)

My clothes/shoes (4)

Hula-Hoop (74)

Basketball hoop (18)

Earring hoop (4)

Embroidery hoop (3)

Shoes/clothes (17)

Jewelry/watch (13)

House (10)

Car (9)

Friendships (8)

Pet (8)

Children (5)

Job (4)

Warm (27)

Sloppy (25)

Wet (21)

Quick (14)

Sweet (5)

Perfect (4)

Happy (2)

California (53)

Florida (15)

Hawaii (12)

New York (9)

Indiana (2)

New Jersey (2)

Texas (2)

Georgia (2)

Burger (36)

French fries (32)

Chicken/wings (7)

Oil/grease/lard (7)

Pizza (5)

Bacon (4)

My ex (2)

Taco (2)

Machine (42)

Bug (14)

Muffin (10)

Addict (10)

Hound (8)

Magnet (4)

Boat (3)

Children (16)

Car (14)

House (10)

Pet (10)

Computer (9)

Myself (8)

Cellphone (5)

Spouse (4)

Basketball (49)

Bowling ball (17)

Football (8)

Beach ball (7)

Soccer ball (6)

Medicine ball (4)

Softball (2)

Sit (54)

Come (11)

Walk (6)

Food (6)

Their name (5)

Stay (4)

Fetch (3)

Treat (2)

Off the wall (34)

Off the hook (29)

Off the cuff (10)

Off the record (7)

Off the chart (6)

Off the deep end (2)

Off the rack (2)

Off the top of your head (2)

Italy (35)

France (15)

Australia (12)

England (6)

Spain (6)

Brazil (4)

Ireland (4)

Norway (4)

Turkey (39)

Trash cans (14)

Christmas stocking (6)

Suitcase (6)

Pillow (6)

Teddy bear (5)

Purse (5)

Stomach (4)

French (60)

Italian (23)

English/Cockney (8)

Spanish (3)

Body language (2)

Tuba (56)

Trumpet (17)

Trombone (8)

Bagpipes (8)

Saxophone (5)

Flute (4)

Bustle (73)

Muscle (15)

Rustle (9)

Tussle (3)

Forehead/head (30)

Cheek (22)

Neck (15)

Lips (14)

Hand (11)

Ears (7)

Snake (59)

Fish/shark/eel (23)

Whale (5)

Seal/sea lion (4)

Dolphin/porpoise (3)

Snail/slug (3)

Worm (2)

Eat (32)

Talk (32)

Kiss (25)

Breathe (8)

Take it off (2)

Dog (39)

Cat (21)

Squirrel (21)

Chipmunk (8)

Coyote (3)

Bird/eagle (3)

Rabbit (2)

His tie (42)

His shoes (15)

His shirt (14)

His jacket (9)

His hat (6)

His mustache (4)

His watch (3)

His pants (2)

Restaurants (32)

Store/mall (16)

Bar/nightclub (16)

Casino (15)

The movies (8)

The bank (4)

Ball game (2)

Racetrack (3)

Clothes (79)

A woman/wife (9)

Furniture (3)

Groceries/food (2)

Gavel/mallet (64)

Big mouth/attitude (15)

Robe/gown (14)

Glasses (2)

The house (36)

Diapers (35)

School/college (21)

Teens/puberty (4)

My food/plate (48)

My bed (36)

On floor/in rug (6)

Table/counter (5)

On couch (2)

Boxers (31)

Tighty-whities (23)

Briefs (19)

None (6)

Torn (5)

Ugly (5)

Sexy (3)

Boring (3)

New Orleans (31)

New York (21)

Las Vegas (19)

Los Angeles (10)

Miami (4)

Chicago (4)

Hump (71)

Desert (13)

Cigarettes (5)

Toe/foot (3)

Water (3)

Smell/bad breath (2)

Car (24)

Suits/clothes (19)

$15 million (17)

Jokes/humor (7)

Mower/lawn service (5)

Sugar (5)

In-laws' home (20)

Jail/prison (19)

Hospital (12)

Office/work (8)

On the couch (7)

Campground (7)

Phone rings (35)

No hot water (24)

Doorbell rings (8)

Get electrocuted (6)

Power outage (4)

Slip/fall (4)

Someone comes in (4)

Her robe (33)

Her pajamas (16)

Her sweater (15)

Her slippers (11)

Her T-shirt (9)

Her coat (5)

Her nightie (3)

Her scarf (3)

This article contains content from Tessa Fahey. It was compiled by Kelly Rissman.